Old Day Hide Space
Ajay Sawant
Brisket grilled on
stake [ Kalimir] pepper
brinkered into
open air The thickness
frizzled, the hair
ripe, the skin
pliant in burnt stomach, nose coiffed
red a plump pimple in hide
I know I am reviled so much
blank, destroyed and lemons
lavender field, nectarly clouds and blue
headache This glory
is a beautiful terror, checkbox
sore collar and midnight
rain in fever

Ajay Sawant is a student and writer studying English Literature (British and Commonwealth) and Journalism at the University of Delhi. He currently serves as Editorial Intern at Five South Literary Magazine. In the past, he has been a guest editor at Inlandia Institute’s Literary Review. His poems have been published or are forthcoming in Detester Magazine, Literary Yard, Vayavya, A&U: America’s Art & Understanding Magazine, The Caribbean Writer, Hawai’i Pacific Review, Xavier Review, Paper Crane Journal and The Louisville Review & Fleurde-Lis Press. Ajay often tweets at @ajaycycles