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Kintsukuroi (ii)

C. Fausto Cabrera

Then, Miss Tracy overdosed, 

                                                                     or just died & I saw her faded red cap everywhere.

Her brag about grown children 

                                                                                  who never called grew charming in memory. 

Did drugs make her a better parent, 

                                                                                                          or just help her believe it? I used

to try to picture her at my age, 

                                                                             and wonder if I’d make it to hers. But it’s about

choices, right—& the right to make bad ones. 

                                                                                                                    Drugs didn’t destroy her life,

if anything, they brought it a little color during the faded years.

I couldn’t repair her                         nor could crack                                      cause maybe she

wasn’t broken                             the fissures formed                       & no pieces fit anymore

I don’t believe                                      it was the drugs                                not entirely anyway

band-aid’s on                                bulletholes maybe                        but aren’t we all missing

something                                                   lost along                                      the way somewhere

I can’t repair                                      her so I sprinkle                                               her in the gold

C. Fausto Cabrera is a multi-genre artist & writer currently incarcerated since 2003. His work has appeared in: The Colorado Review, The Antioch Review, Puerto del Sol, The Comstock Review, The American Literary Review, The Missouri Review, The Water-Stone Review, The California Quarterly, The Woodward Review (Pushcart nomination), & descant. His most recent project is a prose collaboration with photographer Alec Soth, The Parameters of Our Cage. He co-founded The Stillwater Writers Collective partnered with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop (MPWW) & has a profile through's Seen Project.

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