Matt Hart
is the name of a band
in case you’re wondering
why that’s the title of this poem
I’ve been watching
their guitar player this morning
go through all his gear
for Premier Guitar’s Rig Rundown series
I’ve never heard the band,
but the guitar player seems nice
and I’m pretty run down,
though not in series
or parallel either
and if you get that reference,
or, better yet, know the difference
you’re already way ahead of me
My allergies are a mess
from all the Juniper trees
and I still can’t figure out
why anybody likes Germanium
transistors more than Silicon,
or why anyone would
at this late date
still be snobby
about the superiority of tube amps,
when the tech has come such a long way
in the solid state arena
For one great example
of a solid state amp that sounds as good
as any tube amp I’ve ever played
(which is many by the way)
see the ZT Custom Shop Lee Ranaldo Club
But this isn’t only an advertisement
for ZT Amplification, “the smallest little loud amps
in the world,” it’s also another call for a response
I mean, does anyone reading this,
or hearing me read it,
know what the fuck I’m talking about
Nerdsville is me
Geekdom is the way
I’m just biding my time
before a colonoscopy today,
which dates me I know
like a weird jug of milk
a little bit expired, but only slightly sour
Blinky is what they used to call that
Blear in the milk in the whites of your eyes
which makes me think of wide white skies
or somebody high in the stars’ slurry light
Anyway, I just checked out Whores’ music
cause I was stuck after that last line
and I have to say they sound pretty crushing
by which I do not mean attractive in a delicate way
that causes brief but intense infatuation
I mean it in the other three hundred ways
that “pretty crushing” can be meant
That’s what poetry is
at its best, and music
at its best
is poetry
Matt Hart is the author of nine books of poems, including most recently Everything Breaking/for Good and The Obliterations. Additionally, his poems, reviews, and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous print and online journals, including Big Bell, Columbia Poetry Review, Harvard Review, jubilat, Lungfull!, Mississippi Review, POETRY, and Waxwing, among others. His awards include a Pushcart Prize, a grant from The Shifting Foundation, and fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. He was a co-founder and the editor-in-chief of Forklift, Ohio: A Journal of Poetry, Cooking & Light Industrial Safety from 1993-2019. Currently, he lives in Cincinnati where he teaches at the Art Academy of Cincinnati and plays in the band NEVERNEW.