Matt Hart
“Dear Matt Hart, O you have the most beautiful
scream of all. Dear Matt Hart, from where do our
screams come from?”
—Jay Ponteri
Inside the dwarf star
I am sitting
At my kitchen table nodding
To the music
Coming out of the lo-fi
And knowing my own voice
So dirtbag
With azaleas, geraniums,
Unicorns, Uraniums
(“What are Uraniums?”
See the Seven Dwarves
See the night sky…)
But my voice
Is laying or lying
In wait of the next time
My eyes begin to roll
With what’s inside
My heart tearing up
(or tearing up)
And whirling down
A mountain of milk
And honey roasted pumpkin seeds
And feeling suddenly
The pang of memory
My parents in their youth
Going wild about money
The gods eating each other
To maintain their power
Over fire over water
Over everything
That moves
Or stops in its tracks
In the unfathomable distortion
The roaring correspondence
The call and response
The rush
Crescendo-ing and descrescendo-ing
O trickstery owls
O cataclysmic wolves
It’s not as bad as it sounds
It’s better or it’s worse
Digging deep to find you
Digging deep into the earth
But only finding someone’s old tooth
A busted PA speaker
The imminent crush
Tomorrow I’m a lamb
Or a horsehair brush
But today the rain
Pours out of my mouth
I am a fountain
Of ridiculous sparks
Open your light, dear friends,
To my arms
Matt Hart is the author of nine books of poems, including most recently Everything Breaking/for Good and The Obliterations. Additionally, his poems, reviews, and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous print and online journals, including Big Bell, Columbia Poetry Review, Harvard Review, jubilat, Lungfull!, Mississippi Review, POETRY, and Waxwing, among others. His awards include a Pushcart Prize, a grant from The Shifting Foundation, and fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. He was a co-founder and the editor-in-chief of Forklift, Ohio: A Journal of Poetry, Cooking & Light Industrial Safety from 1993-2019. Currently, he lives in Cincinnati where he teaches at the Art Academy of Cincinnati and plays in the band NEVERNEW.