Jude Marr
I see reflections of insanity
in window-glass: yard shadows coalesce: dis-
tended fruit depends from every tree: out of emptiness
I conjure cardiac anomalies—
tortured branches twist: my wrist-
pulse is percussive (blood and gristle in a fight
for width): gate bang’s a whip-smart gust
of yesterday’s excessive trust in wit—
I pace, believing in infinities
of cherry trees: their wounds ooze sap—a soft-
barked army, waiting
for the ax—but underground, their roots commune
my solitary cell contracts: window bars resemble
railroad track—
in a locked room, my head rests
against dead wood: I will, when orchard noises
cease, send to the city for seed.
Jude Marr is a Pushcart-nominated nonbinary poet who writes to survive. Jude’s first full-length collection, We Know Each Other By Our Wounds, came out from Animal Heart Press in 2020 and they also have a chapbook, Breakfast for the Birds, from Finishing Line Press in 2017. Their work has appeared in many journals, including Kissing Dynamite, Cherry Tree, Harbor Review and SWWIM. Jude recently relocated back to the UK after 10 years of living, teaching, and learning in the US.